There is a time to Learn, and a time to put into practice that which you have learned.
There is a time to be filled, and a time to pour out.
Seasons change. It is bittersweet.
Right now it is mostly sweet! Although I am leaving many of those who have become my family I know tht this next season will be so rewarding!
I am going to Kenya! After 12 weeks of taking in all that I can from a variety of speakers and lecture topics, I am getting ready to embark on an adventure that i can't even imagine.
The Lord has taught me so much about Himself, myself, and my relationship with Him and others. I have not been consistant with posting regularly about my journey, but all of the words i could ever write would not properly describe the inner heart change that has taken place over the past three months. There are really no words to describe a DTS in general, but i would suggest something like it for anyone desiring to grow in their walk with the Lord, as well as walk out in His love for people!
Oh sweet life, growing up, and moving out. Thank you to each and everyone of you who have supported me through prayers, finances, and simply by being a listening ear! Your love and encouragement has been a constant strength to me!
I'm off to Kenya on January First and from then on out it is limited internet, so i will def be back to posting here in March when i return to the states!
I am still in need of support to finish paying eveerything off, and you can continue to give using my pypal while am out of the country!
Love you all!