So I am here.
After months of preperation and prayer, I am finally here.
I am sitting in my dorm room thinking over the past 6 days, and it has been surreal.
Welcome to my world, I live in an historic house in downtown Monroe, NC that YWAM Charlotte has slowly been turning into the center of its ministry. It is a home. All the girl students live here, spread out between 4 "dorm" rooms, and the offices, dining area, and family living room are also here. The 2 boy students live in a small house with the male staff in the neighborhood behind the house. Living with 22 girls in a house has been interesting, but really fun! I live in the smallest room with my two amzing roommates Elizabeth ( Simba) and Ashlin (Eeyore). Also the beautiful staff member Elby lives with us in that room! It has been great getting close to all of them, as well as all of the girls in the house!
The schedule is monday-friday breakfast at 6:45, walking to the church down the road for quiet time, worship/prayer, and then lectures (classes). The rest of the day either consists of outreach, work duties(chores), homework, or chilling. Another important part of the day is meals, which we are required to eat together as a family. The community living experience has been interesting, but nothing too new for me because of the family environment i grew up in. There are a few places in the house where i can find solitude, but not many.
One great place i love is the attic, which includes 5 curtained cubbies (which used to be servant sleeping quarters) that are decorated with pillows and art. These are great places to get alone for som peace and quiet. I must say, at least at this point, it is nice being surrounded by people all the time! We all have become very close, and share in similar struggles, experiences and journeys. Our differences help make us grow stronger s a group.
I already feel like we are becoming a family, and i am so thankful for the life-long friendships developing. In the past week we have become very vulnarable with each other, taking off our "masks," and being honest about our pasts. I know that the Lord is strengthing us for the time we will be spending overseas together during the outreach phase starting in January. Speaking of that, the staff is currently prying about where we are to go and i should know where within about 2 weeks! I need $4000 more for that phase. Trusting the Lord that He will continue to be faithful for those funds!
Monday we are starting the first week of topical lectures, and this weeks tpic is hering the voice of God. I am excited to share witth all of you what i will be learning, so look forward to next week's post. Thanks again for all your love, prayer, and support! I know that this will be such a growing experience for me, and each and everyone of you are an important part of this!
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